Oh no! Mommy’s Milk!

One week into this mother of two thing, and we are surviving. It was one eventful week, but that’s a story for another day. The other night was the first night I felt relaxed in the new normal.

I felt like everything was falling into place, and I knew I could handle this boy mom life. This year my goal has been to embrace the crazy. Let me tell you it hasn’t been easy. This mom of two thing started off with a bang. Like I said things had finally settled down. I was sitting on the couch holding the baby, and my husband was testing out our new camera.

mom on couch

The toddler came over and right away tried to grab my drink. He has a tendency to spill things so I reached over to move my drink aside. Meanwhile my husband is snapping awkward pictures of me surrounded by dogs and children (which is exactly where I love to be). As soon as I moved my drink I felt my hand knock something over. It was my haakaa… full of fresh breast milk. I was so excited because I was able to save 4 ounces while feeding my baby from the other breast, and I spilled it everywhere.

sitting on couch with babies and dogs

The first thing out of my toddlers mouth? “Oh no, mommy’s milk!” It was the cutest thing in the world, and probably one of the things that made me laugh instead of cry. You know that expression don’t cry over spilled milk? Well that’s easier said than done when your postpartum hormones are going crazy, but my goal this year is to laugh more and stress less. That’s exactly what I did. I laughed. I couldn’t stop laughing and just as I was processing what had just happened my husband leaned over and said that he captured the entire thing in pictures. So this is my reminder to all you mothers… it’s okay to cry over spilled milk, but it’s okay to laugh about it too.

spilled milk and toddler

Labor & Delivery


Baby Led Weaning