Little Moments

Today I tripped over a tiny pair of shoes. I wanted to raise my voice. I heard myself saying “get out here and take care of your shoes! You know where they go” 

But instead I found myself with tears in my eyes. You see… some day there won’t be tiny shoes in the hallway. There will be a day where the sound of little footsteps fade, a day where I don’t hear the words “mommy can you help me?” 

There will be a time where the house is tidy and quiet. Where I don’t feel a tap on my shoulder after a 2 am bad dream. A day where they can take care of their own boo boos. 

There will be a day when I miss these days, so I’ll try my best to live in the moment and cherish each second.

#honestmotherhood #sweetlittlethings #motherhoodthoughts #momlifethebestlife


Life with Abby & Finn


I See You